Roadtrip 2022 Fall: Richland - Boise - Ely - Kanab - Sedona - Joshua Tree - Paso Robles - Calistoga - Brookings - Cannon Beach

Day 16 - Yavapai Vista

The Amazing Kokoshelti. Tells Fortunes. Dispells Evil Spirits. Ready to Party.

Russ ascends to the slick rock section for the grand Yavapi Vista.

The Team surmounts the Hillary Step to gain the Yavapai Summit.

Lots of vista here - no doubt.

The summit plateau.

Wendy and Ella try to figure out how to take a photo without their shadows. Turns out more of a Wendy and Ella try to figure out what to do next.

Waay across the waay, there is a wedding! Look for the bride: a white speck, centre frame. Really.

Told ya.

Agave entanglement.

Ella's big sister Emma was Queen of the red rocks. Ella is more of a sprite.

Must be a vortex near by.

The Vortex shapes everything.

A spritely Runnin' of the red rocks.

The Renewed Topographics: Sedona #4.

Cheese hoard - 2022.






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all images and text on this website
copyright 2022
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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